Binary Sports in Biomechanics
Binary Sports in Biomechanics
Through my work as a biomechanics technician and consultant in applied sport biomechanics, I have had the opportunity to work in different environments and with a variety of equipment and motion analysis tools. Especially when working with coaches and athletes, the ability provide feedback quickly is invaluable when working in applied settings. While many types of equipment often require time to process data, Binary Sports has developed an app that offers a platform to collect video from an athletes sessions and quickly analyse the data to provide an output that is easy to interpret and understand.
Working with video and data
The Binary App has a workflow that is easy to use making a great tool to work with and it provides a comprehensive video report (video + data) that can be meaningful to coaches, athletes and sport scientists. An additional benefit is that the raw data can be exported from the Binary App. The video tutorials offered through Binary are detailed and easy to understand and have helped me get up to speed with using the app in no time at all. One aspect of the Binary App that appeals to me are that the metrics that are calculated are meaningful. The app developers have worked extensively with leading speed coaches and scientists to ensure that the metrics calculated are meaningful and informative. This takes care of a lot of the guess work when it comes to selecting which metrics to calculate and track.
Validation study
Within our department, we are currently running a study to validating the metrics obtained from the app against gold standard data. Once complete this will inform on the validity of the data obtained from the App and help build confidence in the data. We are hoping to be able to share some results with you soon.
Hans von Lieres und Wilkau, PhD
Biomechancis Technician Demonstrator at CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY.
I completed my PhD with the Sport Biomechanics research group at Cardiff Metropolitan University. i Investigated the the differences in muscle-skeletal characteristics between different phases of sprinting and how these insights can be transferred into applied sport settings.